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12. Game Cards

12.1 Card Categories

The game contains the following cards as of v1.0

Category Card # of Cards
Technology Quantum Mechanics 12
Technology Biology 12
Technology Robotics 12
Technology AGI 12
Humanity Philosophy 16
Humanity Awakening 16
Humanity Consciousness 16
Reality Intelligence 16
Reality Strategy 16
Reality Power 16
Events Major Events 6
Events Global Events 6
Events Crisis Events 6
Wonders Technology Wonders 6
Wonders World Wonders 6
Wonders Reality Wonders 6
Leaders HRE Leaders 3
Leaders FRU 3
Leaders HL 3
Leaders RSC 3
Advisors Technology Wonders 6
Advisors World Wonders 6
Advisors Reality Wonders 6

12.2 Technology Domain

Category NRE FU HL RSC Total
Basic Tech 6 6 6 6 24
Advanced Tech 2 2 2 2 8
Ultimate Tech 2 2 2 2 8
Total 10 10 10 10 40

12.3 Humanity Domain

Category Cards per Faction Universal Total
Philosophy 2 2 10
Awakening 2 2 10
Consciousness 2 2 10
Total 6 6 30

13. III. Intelligence Domain (40 Cards)

Category Cards per Faction Universal Total
Intelligence 2 2 10
Strategy 2 2 10
Power 2 2 10
Total 8 × 3 = 24 6 30

14. Events (28 Cards)

Category Count Type Total
Major Events 10 Clan-specific 10
Global Events 12 Universal 12
Crisis Events 8 Universal 8
Total 30

15. VII. Wonders (20 Cards)

Category Cards per Faction Universal Total
Technology Wonders 3 1 4
World Wonders 3 1 4
Reality Wonders 3 1 4
Total 3 × 4 = 12 3 15

Total Card Count: x cards

15.0.1 Strategic Balance:

  1. Each faction has equal access to:
  2. Core technologies
  3. Cultural influence
  4. Intelligence operations
  5. Personnel options
  6. Project opportunities

  7. Victory Paths through:

  8. Technological supremacy
  9. Cultural dominance
  10. Economic control
  11. Personnel development
  12. Project completion
  13. Wonder construction

  14. Balanced Resource Generation:

  15. Technology Points (TP)
  16. Culture Points (CP)
  17. Intelligence Points (IP)

  18. Strategic Depth through:

  19. Multiple card combinations
  20. Cross-domain synergies
  21. Faction specialization

15.1 Card Types

Basic Cards:
- Cost: 2-3 resources
- Single effect
- No evolution path
- Cannot be enhanced

Advanced Cards:
- Cost: 4-5 resources
- Multiple effects
- Evolution potential
- Can be enhanced

Ultimate Cards:
- Cost: 6-7 resources
- Powerful effects
- Maximum evolution
- Built-in enhancements

15.2 5.2 Evolution System

Evolution Requirements:
1. Card must be in play for one full turn
2. Must pay evolution cost
3. Must use 2 action points
4. Must meet faction requirements

Evolution Benefits:
- Enhanced primary effect
- Additional abilities unlocked
- Increased resource generation
- New synergy options

Evolution Limits:
- One evolution per turn
- Maximum level 3
- Cannot evolve during crisis

15.3 5.3 Card Interactions

Synergy Rules:
- Maximum 3 cards in synergy chain
- Effects resolve in play order
- Broken if any card leaves play
- Limited by faction restrictions

Timing Rules:
1. Triggered effects
2. Response effects
3. Passive effects
4. State-based effects

Stack Resolution:
1. Last effect played resolves first
2. Tied effects resolve by turn order
3. Passive effects always last